

This site is intended to provide a list of plants that grow well in Salt Lake City, UT, as well as other parts of the state/ places that share a similar hardiness zone. Salt Lake City is a zone 5-6a, with hot and dry summers, cold winters with late spring frosts, air pollution problems due to inversion conditions, and voracious deer depending on proximity to the mountains.

There are a ton of wonderful plants for every condition, and I encourage you to look beyond the lawn, past what your family/ neighbors have planted in the past, and seek out plants that fulfill your personal desires, whether that means low maintenance/ water-wise landscapes, edible front yards, or a cut-flower garden.

If you scroll to the bottom of the main page, you can use the categories menu pull up a list of plants for a variety of conditions, colors, and desirable traits.

About the Author:

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I am a senior horticulture student at Utah State University, and have started this website as a project for my minor in Landscape Design.

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