European Hornbeam

Scientific Name: Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’

Common Name:
European Hornbeam

Life Cycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 4-8

 Physical Characteristics:

Form: Columnar
Height: 30-40 ft.
Spread: 15-20 ft.
Growth Rate: Slow
Resistance/ Tolerance:

Ornamental Characteristics:

Texture: Medium
Flowers: Non-descript green or yellow flowers depending on gender, that lead to catkins and showy nutlet fruits on female trees.
Bark: Smooth gray bark that is fluted.
Foliage: Deciduous ovate green leaves are lightly serrated and ribbed.
Objectionable Features: No real issues, pests, or significantlitter


Habitat Requirements:

Soil Preferences: Tree can handle a wide variety of soil textures including clay, as well as a large range of pH. Tolerant to alkaline soils.
Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Water Requirements: Moderate, and as is suggested for most trees, deep infrequent waterings are best.

Maintenance Characteristics:

Low maintenance tree, can be hard-pruned for a hedge look or regularly pruned in tree form.

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